

Sat, 4 Feb 2017
from 9:30am to 12:00pm

by Ethan Start
Posted: about 8 years ago
Updated: almost 5 years ago by Ethan Start
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 2 days before
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 3 hours)

Hi Guys/Gals,

N.E.A will re-open for Come and Try’s on Saturday 4th of February 2017.

Please take note of the times below.

• Come ‘N’ Try start: 10:00 am.
• Come ‘N’ Try finish: 12:00 pm.

Members if you could spare your time to help facilitate the Come ‘N’ Try sessions by lending a hand prior to engaging in your own shooting activities. Please arrive between 9:00 am and 9:30 am to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.

Things to note around the club house are;
• Due to the summer heat, some types of fauna become stressed, parking under gum trees for instance is at your own personal risk, the club will not be liable for damages to; vehicles, persons or personal belongings etc. The club does have limited open space suitable for parking.

• Also with the this time of year, come other nasties such as; snakes, wasps and ants. Please be mindful that we live in rural Victoria and the encounter of such reptilian animals and insects may be expected.

Always be careful where ever you are, cover those drinks and watch where you step. The club does have a first aid station and 1st aid trained members, to provide immediate assistance until professional medical attention can be sought.

• Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, enclosed footwear is a MUST at any archery range. Please think of the Slip/Slop/Slap/Slide and Seek to prevent sunburns etc.

• The canteen will not be open for lunch or providing hot food at this stage. However ice cold soft drink and water will still be available.

If you want to bring a plate of something to share for morning tea, it would be appreciated also (something that doesn’t need a fridge). Please keep yourself hydrated throughout the activities and at anytime seek the shade for a rest.

More information can be sought form the Archery Victoria heat Policy; https://assets.sportstg.com/assets/console/document/documents/0543%20heat%20stress%20policy.pdf

Please consider this and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact N.E.A or one of its committee members for further information.

• The rubbish and recycling need to be removed after each Saturday, again we are calling on our members to lend a hand. If you are able to take one or both of the bags, it would also help keep the club tidy. It will also give those who have been doing it, a break, the more that participate in a rotating cycle the less times a single person will have to do this task.


401 benalla-baddaginnie road


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